Handling expiring accounts

What do I do when my account expires?


How do I know that my account is about to expire?

A system-generated email will notify you of the expiration of your memberships and associated accounts.


Why is my account expiring?

A valid account requires "membership" in a status group. This is fulfilled if you

  • are enrolled as a student
  • are in a contractual relationship (professors, employees, lecturers), or
  • are authorized to use the system on the basis of a separate written agreement.

The university IT receives the information from the departments 1 (Personnel and Legal Affairs) and 3 (Academic Affairs). Contractual changes and changes to student status are transferred to us from the respective departmental systems and affect the validity status of your account. It is not possible to overwrite the information; changes must be made by the departments.


First steps after receiving the mail

If you have been informed about the expiration of a membership, it is important that you independently back up your data. After the expiration of the specified period, access to the accounts is no longer possible.


Transition period for students

When your university membership expires, your access to university services also ends. Students have a short transition period of up to 4 weeks after exmatriculation. This usually starts on the date of the passed exam.

Reasons for membership expiration


  • You have been exmatriculated
  • The semester fee has not been transferred in full or has not yet been booked.
    The transfer usually requires 2-3 working days
  • Documents are missing, e.g. a proof of insurance or a health insurance certificate.

Please clarify any questions with the Department 3 - Academic Affairs (Student Administration).

Professors and employees

  • The employment contract was not extended
  • An extension of the employment contract has not yet been entered in the system by Dez. I
  • The membership of retired professors, valid for one calendar year, expires at the end of the year.

Adjunct lecturer

  • The teaching contract has not been extended
  • An extension of the teaching assignment has not yet been entered in the system by Dez. I.
  • The teaching contract is only valid for the duration specified in the contract - thus a manual extension of the membership on the part of the university IT is not possible

Please clarify any questions regarding the duration of the contract with your faculty or Dezernat 1.


Reasons for account expiration

  • A membership has expired for the reasons previously mentioned
  • A new membership has been created, but the old account may not be assigned to the new membership
  • Due to a change in contract (OU or change of activity), the old account may not continue to be used

You have been/will be informed about the automatic creation of a new account.


Your account expires by mistake

If you have reasonable suspicion that your account is expiring without authorization, you can have the process checked manually. Please note that only the access to the accounts will be deactivated. The accounts and the associated data will not be deleted immediately.

Cases handled by the university IT:

  • You are a retired professor* and would like a one-year extension of your membership.
  • Due to a contract change your old account could not be taken over. You need a new account, which has not yet been automatically created for you.
Last modified: Dec. 6, 2022